David Wild
David Wild, cattle trader and farmer from Cronheim, bought the house Waagstrasse 8 in 1919 and moved to Gunzenhausen with his family. Seven years later, in 1926, the property goes to his daughter, who in turn sells it to Karl Pfitzer and Babetta Carl in 1930.
In June 2009 we got some mails from David's great-granddaughter.
My name is Elizabeth, alive Brazil and I am granddaughter of Betty Wild (1940 travelled Germany to Brazil) it excels of 2 degree of Emmi Wild, that was of the house it Marries Waagstrasse 8. David Wild was brother of Isaac Wild grandfather of Betty Wild.
Thank you very much for your attention! (excuse my English).
I will order material little by little, because I have a lot of information of the family Wild.
My grandmother Betty Wild with her husband Wilhem Hahn and their two daughters Edith Hahn with 3 years (my mother) and Eleonore Ida Hahn with 4 years left Germany in 1940 and arrived in Brazil by an Italian ship.
My grandmother's Betty Wild words, during the Nazism were pursued, the house was invaded by police with violence. My grandmother saw Hitler's march in the streets at the beginning of the Nazi party.
According to the laws of the time in Germany, my grandmother needed to do childbirth with 7 months, and my mother was born without fingernails and hair, because she was premature.
My grandfather was arrested, my grandmother paid money for the nazi they loosen him.
In the night of crystals, the glasses of the window were broken on top of my mother's cradle and my aunt’s. In the same night a cousin of her (I don't know the name) it was played of the high of the building with a son in the arms.

During their travel to Brazil in 1940, the ship stopped in France and all the men were brought to the Foreign Legion, my grandfather with the captain's help hid to be with the family.
They arrived in Brazil without speaking language and without anything.
Very sad.
Mother of Betty Wild was Sara Wild (widow of Ferdinand Wild) she lived at the same house than my grandmother, didn't get authorization of Red Cruz to leave of Germany.

Therefore after my grandparents had left Germany, Sara Wild was deported to Riga (1941), where she was killed with weapons in the forest of Rumbula.
In the day as son Heinrich Wild was deported he saw the nazis taking, but he cannot make anything. Sara Wild carried only a small suitcase.
It passed 3 days and 3 inside nights of the train to their destiny.
I send you the deports of this day list, 3 people only survived, still have a lot of histories to order.
Sara Wild (Hess) came from the city of Fulda, another sister of her died in Sobibor, I send you the site of the family Hess, it contains the mistake, that Sara Wild died in Auschwitz (it was already communicated from the owner of the site). It contains very interesting pictures.

Ferdinand Wild, husband of Sara Wild, worked with sale on his father's horses inheritance. He was born in Dormitz. I discovered his father's (Isaac Wild) house and the Synagogue also built in 1740 in Dormitz and dropped in 2004, that was built by the ancestral of Amalie Uhlfelder (Wild) wife of Isaac Wild.

A friend of Dormitz ordered pieces of stones of the Synagogue by mail, I was very happy.
Elizabeth Ida Posva

My life in Brazil is very simple, I am 38 years old, I am divorced, I have two children, a son 16 years and a daughter with 7 years. My mother Edith is a widow and lives with me.
I work 12 years ago in the Jewish Community from São Paulo with research of food kosher.
I like Jewish traditions, my children study at Jewish school.
I have a sister, Esther Posva, who has 3 children, a married daughter with a Rabbi, who is responsible for a synagogue in São Paulo.
I want to know a lot about Germany, I passed some hours in Frankfurt in 1999 and it was touching. It was when I went to know Israel with scale in Germany.
I am very happy that you place our history in your work and in your site.
My mother's sister Eleonore Departure, died about 7 months ago and she left 3 children and 5 grandchildren.