Year built: |
1860 |
Built by: |
Seligmann, Wolf-Ascher |
Changes of Ownership: |
3. January 1873 sold to the widow Mathilde for 13,000 florins |
11. June 1875 acquired by Alphons Asser, a businessman from Mainz |
17. December 1875 bought by Marx Kellermann for 16,000 florins |
3. November 1876 for 13, 714 florins Seligman becomes the co-proprietor. |
1902 Marx Kellermann is sole owner/proprietor |
18. July 1907 the property was sold to Sigmund Kellermann for 33,000 RM |
1919 sold to Karl and Wally Woellmer, born Scheuernstuhl, they open a “Stern” drugstore |
1945 the widower Karl Woellmer continued to run the business. In 1961 his daughter Elfriede Reuter stepped in to help him. |
1962 the druggist Remuald Reder acquired the business and in 1963 remodeled it |
Today the house is owned by the Mueller drug store chain. |