David Feldmann
David Feldmann was born on September 13th, 1894 in Altenmuhr (Old Muhr) to parents Joseph an Karolina Feldmann. In 1911 he moved to Gunzenhausen, and 1919 he got official residency. He ran his fathers store for manufactured products there on the Marktplatz 9. He married Bertha Klein (born 04.08.1894) on 05.04.1921, in Marktbreit. Bertha was the daughter of Sigmund Klein, al salesman and Hedwig Silbermann.
The family has three kids:
In 1928 David Feldmann’s father, Joseph Feldmann died. Interestingly he was the secretary from the association of former members of the royal Bavarian infantry regiment Prince Ludwig. The descendants sold his collection of Fayencen and Zinn to the city of Gunzenhausen in 1929.
In March of 1932, the Family moved to the house on Gerberstrasse 5 and ran their store there. But in early 1933, David Feldmann was arrested and sent to Dachau.
He was releast on 28.07.1933, however. The family emigrates to New York in on 26.08.1938.